Terms of warranty



ASVA TRADING LTD OÜ (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) grants a 24-month warranty for its goods from the date of their transfer to the customer. Complaints concerning the quality of the goods must be submitted in writing within two weeks from the date when the defect was discovered.


If the goods prove to be defective during the warranty period, the Company undertakes to eliminate all discovered defects by repair or complete or partial replacement at its own expense within a reasonable time.

The content and foundation of the complaint must be confirmed by a report (see below).
In no event shall the Company be liable for any incidental and indirect losses, or for any losses arising from particular circumstances of the case.

The warranty does not cover high-wear parts, and it is not applied to natural tear and wear as well as the damage which is due to improper or negligent maintenance or overloading, the use of the products for purposes other than intended, insufficient and/or incorrect assembly by nonqualified personnel, and due to noncompliance with technical instructions regarding installation by the customer.

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